• DATASTOR Shield™ Scalable Protection Server
  • DATASTOR Shield™ Enterprise Protection Server
  • Build 8.0.608.1 


To see more information on the status of an aiq task, such as purge, or a local plan run,  monitor it from the command line:

1. Open a command prompt and change to the install directory.
2. Type aiq status –list
3. Note the taskid of the task (mark it and copy it)
4. Type aiq status –taskid “[the taskid noted above]” –poll 30 –loglevel detail

This will poll the task every 30 seconds. Press control-c to end the status task or close the command prompt window.

To see more information on the status of a remote protection plan, monitor it from the remote computer at the command line:
1. On the remote computer, open a command prompt with admin priviledges and change to the install directory.
2. Type \\[EPS server name]\aiqremote$\aiqremote.exe status –list
3. Note the taskid of the task (mark it and copy it)
4. Type \\[EPS server name]\aiqremote$\aiqremote.exe status  –taskid “[the taskid noted above]” –poll 30 –loglevel detail